Friday, January 18, 2008

day 3, pre production

Its been great to see how the industry reacts to Sekhar. He is easily today the most eagerly watched and anticipated of all filmmakers here in A.P....from the days when he wasn't allowed into a studio floor and was asked to wait outside, to today when people leap out of chairs to greet!
the industry is a funny place huh....

again not much happened at work yesterday, it was a nice lazy day spent chatting about the script and so on...but today morning is important...i must have already mentioned...a team script session...i am hoping for some bright ideas and questions....

last night i watched nagesh kukunoors bombay to bangkok.....a very bad movie....2 hrs long....but it felt lik this the same guy who made Iqbal and Dor...hmmm...

well, need to get ready for will catch up later guys...

1 comment:

jaris said...

Hey Bidu,

Its tough to reach the top & need to keep on doing more than necessary to stay ahead.
I hope Shekar stays there for long.

I can see u go places, much higher than shekar.
Keep up the good work bidu.

U shud watch " My Name is Anthony G"
its a well made movie.
Im disappointed by Halla Bol, nothing to say about it.
Have got few things to suggest on ur script, will mail u .
Need more pics on this blog.
U have a good weekend.