Wednesday, January 30, 2008

day 14, pre-production

the most introspective day so far. full up major up's and down's. boy, the day whizzes by so fast, so much happens and still not much happens....its a constant swing....

whats the fate of this film? what will happen? too many 'what's' too early in the day...
what seemed impossible yesterday, suddenly seems possible....what seemed a certainity now seems like a huge doubt....uff....

hmm....we have some way to go, its so hard to find talent, i cant come up with an innovative casting call option....we dont have professional casting directors, i wish we had professional location managers.....professional fund raisers....the list is endless :).....

i want to bring about a change in the way a film is produced with this project....there are so many innovative things i want to little time to apply them right now...dunno know.....anyways..

more preparation, better mind and body co-ordination....more focus on the end goal....more emphasis on immediate targets....more, more, more....

lets see what tomorrow has in store, the months is coming to an end....we have about a month to go for shoot, i see the start day being pushed by a week....why? cus feb has 29 this time round, right?

enough much has to happen?....hmmm........


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Anish, most of your thoughts now a days sound to me like Shakespearian English (sounds very interesting but equally confusing for a beginner). May be you are trying to keep the project under the covers as you say its a big project (which obviously is eating much of your time), but we are addicted to your blog and wait anxiously like my mom would wait for the next episode of Chakravakam. :))

Anyways, your idea to streamline film making is good. Its high time that our Telugu Industry goes full time professional. Just curious if there is any vacant position I am ready to hop in :) (only if you feel I am worth). Just mail me I would be ready.

Anyways all the best bro...keep going. And please let us know about the Press Conference (in advance) you mentioned in your previous post.
