Monday, February 4, 2008


Interesting days so far. Actings workshops have started. Our executive producer is in the house, taking over production issues, a location rekki is due in a couple of days, lyrics are being worked on....

more importantly, today i meet our cameraman....the man, whose vision is key to this films keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out well for the both of us....lets see...

i am hoping the cameraman understands whats in store for us and i hope it inspires him...i am hoping the production designer gets going with his work asap....keeping my fingers crossed, my town is waiting for me....

all days from now lead to the shoot day...scheduled for the first week of march...i am really hoping we meet that deadline...if we do, super, that would be with only 1.5months of pre-production behind us....

everyday must count....

1 comment:

Srujana said...

Hi Anish,
Have been following your blog for quite sometime now (used to visit your COF blog very regularly, liked it a lot)..I am no where related to movies but always had this little enthu to know what its like to make a movie what all you people go through in making good cinema.
And now I know with your daily updates...GAWWDDD you go through so much of trauma, physical emotional and mental pressures....heard of that before but never expected that it will be to such a level...
Anyways now that you tell all the people are roped in and you are ready to start off in short time....I wish everything goes on as you planned and best of luck and also I cross fingers that you will meet your deadline as you hoped to...

Great going!!!!!!
